Thursday, September 22, 2011

Growth And Change

In our lifestyle, we do not show kids how to have connections, in aspect because of the creation breaks and in aspect because everyone is having difficulties to endure and few individuals even have a distant hint about self-awareness. We do "surface" connections in which we act as if we have the connection but it is one depending on our outsiders' opinions of others' connections, so we act in methods that seem appropriate to imitate others' connections (like our parents'). Since most individuals are in different levels of unconsciousness (because they haven't been trained how to operate otherwise), they act and connect in regular methods.

Occasionally, their regular connections designs are disturbed, and they must create some minor improvements (reactions) to keep the higher position quo going (this would be like flexible a youngster in the cycle of hormone responses in a family or an mature going through significant changes in tasks or psyche). The issue is when those improvements become aspect of the higher position quo workouts. The higher position quo is now more complicated and engulfed in award for routines by everyone who is constantly on the battle to keep up the impression of whatever they are trying to represent independently and jointly. Thus the structural family constellation produces and carries on in its complexness of smoking and showcases.

Should one individual (unlikely) crack out of the family constellation designs, it destabilizes the public relationships. That pressure causes exacerbation of the same actions techniques, only now at a completely not sustainable stage of pressure, resulting in all the possible combinations of break ups of kids and grownups from each other. Since most people never create it out of their unconsciousness, they then proceed those same designs of trivial designs throughout their lifestyle.

For those who can crack out, they start to encounter real independence, the independence to management themselves and what is in their lifestyle. They have a stage of detachment that improves the more they become facile in their options and entanglements with others. They can now select how to act and be in their lifestyle instead of being in a continuous condition of response. They have the independence to select within themselves, because they will having that great smoky reflection for others to stability their "self" demonstrations. They have the independence to select the encounters and associated with feelings they want to have in lifestyle rather than continuous to encounter the restricted range of encounters and feelings (and thoughts) permitted by their regular position quo circumstances.

When we get married to, we make, etc. Unfortunately, we don't know what investment really indicates. Commitment indicates considering and modifying, using the brain to fix the issues of changes that occur with kids. Commitment indicates studying to modify with the family modifying characteristics, while still in aware attention of what the objectives are, with all connections and circumstances. Because people create, there is modify throughout our lifestyle due to scientific changes as well as emotional changes arising from the connection issues (superficiality), tasks (we do modify because of our tasks as we've discussed before), and the requirements of family (children going through their developing phases).

The sad factor is that individuals avoid modify (meaning becoming aware of their own activities and procedures as well as the others in the family), because this implies studying what they are doing, considering and sensation. Change destabilizes the self, as well as all connections at the same time, to allow for development. Most cannot really modify when circumstances and stimulating elements need them to modify, because the likelihood of modify involves concerns of worries, not being able to... (whatever).., or their values of not being good enough to are entitled to... (whatever)... Think being a mother or father designs stay the same despite a kid becoming a youngster. Combat occur, because the mother or father hasn't modified management to moving liability for activities on a child/adolescent as an personal rather than as an expansion of themselves.

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